it's nice you put up an internet copy of "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" but there is a great reprint copy. that anyone can order from LULU.COM for less than $10 some really hard working apostates went through months of trouble,$$$$$$$$, etc. to get out a HARD COPY OF " MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" just so you faders ,xjw's etc. can offer to have a study with your brain dead jw family and friends. nothing like a HARD COPY or 2 or 3 to throw at wt worshipping family. and ask them to read this rotten sprituasl food that was served at the 1922 convention, then after they read that garbage that the wt would never teach today. ask why the "rev.climax at hand " bald faced lies today about what was from the lips of JEHOVAH in 1922.? get to LULU .COM TODAY and get you HARD COPY OF "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" you will not be sorry. and priced right for poor apostates. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
"Millions Now Living Will Never Die" 1920 booklet - searchable PDF
by jwfacts ini recently got hold of an original copy of "millions now living will never die" .
with a bit of help this is now a 32 mb, high quality scanned pdf.
the text is completely searchable and bookmarked.
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
Minimus: i took your advice and had two sessions of THERAPY this morning. first i went to the local donut shop for coffee, and embarrassed 5 jw's sitting there sipping coffee counting time with a wt mag sitting on the table. after about 10 minutes of my questions that none of them could answer. they had the nerve to ask me to move to another table away from them. I just laughed , and told them their ministry is nil and void. if they can't even talk about this weeks book study. they got up and left the coffee shop, without finishing their breakfast. next i ran into 3 teenage jw's, mag's rolled up in hand heading for the local hall. i schooled them on some wt crap. and wrote a few web sites on their mag. they were pretty cool and i told them not to waste their life for the wt. they even shaked my hand after talking with them. thanks Mini for the idea you were right i needed therapy and it only cost $2 for the coffee and donut. I feel so much better now. john
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
Mini maybe you were an wt asskisser elder too long.? and you think i'm going to fall for your SHIT. well wake up it ain't happeninG. you provide service here with your stupid questions. and thats about it for fading jw's and i understand your 5th grade wt quesdtions VERY CLEARLY. (as per the intelligence of a wt elder) and in my mind after reading 1000's of your post's that's all you have. your the one that needs a brain scan your 20000 posts can never live up to the work i've don't in the street confrounting 1000's ofr jw's in the street. MInimus I'LL TELL YOU STRAIGHT OUT , YOU COULD NEVER HOLD A CANDLE TO MY ASS IN THE ANTI WTS WORK I HAVE DONE. YOU KEEP DOING WHAT YOUR DOING . BUT YOU WILL NEVER REACH MY LEVEL....JOHN
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
minimus told me" I need therapy and i'm way to angry" minimus' own words. MINIMUS get off your HIGH-HORSE your no know it all !!! though you think so. I do what works for me ,and i will stand up for ANY xjw that has the nerve to tell their jw family how they HONESTLY FEEL. I'VE read your posts how you pussy foot around facts with your mother. if that works for you GREAT. but at the same time i'm not going to let you tell me I NEED THERAPY. BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS THAT I HAVE. I could care less what any jw thinks about me. WHY? because I don't want to be friends/ family with any asshole jw that wants to screw up my life. if you think I need THERAPY ? b/c i but jw's in there place from the word go. then your the one with a mental problem. john
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
SKaLLY; you earned my love the old fashioned way. listening to you kick the living spritual/wt doctrine crap out of jw after jw. be it calling BETHEL or JUST knocking out each jw they could find to challange you on yahoo chat. you earned my respect years ago. in fact this board JWD. WAS A HOT BED OF WILD AND KNOWLEDGABLE APOSTATES just 5 years ago. now it like APOSTATE LITE. and politcally correct jwd asking how much you are willing to kiss the elders asses to keep your family and friends and get RAPED BY THE WTS till you can't take it any more. I feel for everyone here that has been hurt by the wts. but i will never change my winning stance dealing with jw's for any crybaby posters or jwd adminstrators. I know how to handle any jw. and PISS ALL OVER THEM . and I make sure they KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN PISSED ON. thank you SKALLY... JOHN P.S i want to thank any posters here that understand what i'm talking about. and for the ones that don't . not to worry the jwd board adminstrators have limited me to 5 posts a day. so i'm out of posts for the day . so all you crybabies that hate my tactic. can call me any thing you want. I'll just read and weep. then next week when the same crybaby posters that called me every name in the good book. post about how their jw family/friends etc. $h!tted all over them. Ill just think how smart I am for ripping the living crap out of the jw 's i know, while you that cursed me are crying your eyes out for not stepping up to the plate when under opression from the wts. best wishes all john
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
SF; skallywagger; is one of a hand full of people on this board ,that sees jw's for what they are. an is willing to PISS ON THEIR PARADE... MINIMUS your way over your head, even questioning SKALLY. The woman has nerves of steel, and the knowledge of the wt to back it up . there are x jw's that stand up to jw's and never back down, and kick the living $h!t out of jw's and make them look like spritual DRUNKARDS in 10 minutes. and never have to worry about that same jw ever even trying to test them again WHY? because SKALLY HAS knowledge and nerve. JW'S NEVER TEST HER more that twice. Just ask the boys at bethel, IF THEY COULD ANSWER AN ONE OF HER QUESTIONS.? I have heard her bury them many times. ask the local jw's around SKALLY'S TOWN. IF ANY OF THEM WANT TO PLAY BIBLE HOPSCOTCH WITH HER? there will be no takers NOT ONE. SKALLY HAS THE GOODS. she learned the hard way. SHE'S NO CRYBABY POSTER , she walks the walk. she's no attention getter like some un named posters, there is too much hate on this board, for REAL STAND UP APOSTATES. john
by deaconbluez ini just read in the live forever book, 1990 edition: "there will be only one organizationgod's visible organization that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation.
" it is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal... you must be part of jehovah's organization, doing god's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life...".
in print!
johnny cip
dEACON BLUEZ nice catch why not call bethel again and ask them why in the 1970's they said the great trib. started in 1914? loved your last call.
Just saw a witness
by darth frosty ini was at the department store picking up a new belt and i ran into the witness that did my wedding photo's.
last that i knew he was an elder at one of the local halls.
so i stop him and say hey.
johnny cip
darth frosty; easy work ha!!! once you take your knowledge and show your local jw's how ignorant they are of the wt teachings. they melt like ICE CREAM in the hot sun. I know how good you feel, and you should feel great , you earned it. always put the jw's on the defensive first and watch them squirm. Oh how they hate anyone with knowledge... john
How Would You Do in a Debate Against a Talented JW Apologist?
by Open mind inhow good of a debater are you?.
i was recently reading some old threads on jwd back in the days when a poster named "youknow" was here.
(2002) he would stand toe-to-toe (or at least he thought he did) with the likes of alanf, refiners fire, seven006, and many others.
johnny cip
face to face with next to any jw. I can't see me losing a debate. I fact I can't remember the last time a lost a debate with a jw. i haven't found a jw that can last 30 minutes with me in years.
Which is your favourite anti-JW web site?
by IT Support inthere a loads of anti-jw sites out there.. if you had to choose just one as being the best (apart from jwd, of course!
), which one would you pick?
perhaps which was most helpful when you were leaving?
johnny cip Is one site that i have used to burn the jw's on thier history. (1914-1930's)Ken's Raines expose' on the GOLDEN AGE mag. has to be the most horrifying stuff you can throw at any jw. I set up an conversation with a jw something like this: Is the wt HONEST ABOUT THIER HISTORY? let's check the 1/1 or 1/15 96 wt on the opening article where the 1996 wt is calling everything printed in the "GOLDEN AGE" mag's INCONTROVERTIBLE FACTS. Most any jw will agree with what the wt says in 1996 about the golden age mag's. Now you have set up the jw like a bowling pin. at this point i start bring up all kinds of crazy, unbelievable trash that was printed in the golden age mag. at each point I ask the jw. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE INCONTRAVERTIBLE FACTS TO YOU? i will here everything from the light is getting brighter, to we used to make mistakes. but i remind the jw that THE WRITING DEPT AT BETHEL WAS WELL AWARE IN 1996 THAT MOST EVERTHING WRITTEN IN THE GOLDEN AGE MAG , WAS COMPLETE NONSENCE. Why would they LIE in 1996 calling their past lies INCONTRAVERTIBLE FACTS? IE 1925 I can run with this line of reasoning for hours. and pound any jw into mush. just on this one topic. ken raines site a must for any x jw trying to prove the wt is full of crap. it shows the Rev climax at hand book , to be complete BULL$h!T. john the wt exposer